Friday 13 April 2012

Too much change can kill Relation....!!

When we meet someone we accept them on one level and tolerate them on another. Basically it is rare that you meet a friend or lover that doesn’t have some trait that we have to look past in order to accept them. It is for this reason that change in a relationship has to be gradual in order to ease the other person into it or they will run for the hills at the sight of what you have become. In our society I believe that weight and religion are the main 2 offenders of the change rule for people.
Now some of you may say “no Greg, it’s gotta be money and the pressure of marriage that puts strain on relationships” but I would counter that someone being bad with money doesn’t happen overnight and marriage pressure happens to everybody in one way or another. No, we like for our lovers to remain the sexy version we got with originally and nobody likes someone beating them over the head with a bible. See we can handle one or the other and deal with it within reason, but for a guy to get fat, pick up a new religion and start acting brand new on a woman, she would kick him to the curb faster than you can imagine.
How Acting Brand New Gets Real Old
When you get into something new, it is very easy to become obsessed. This can be for religion, financial education or network marketing. You feel as if you have finally been given the keys to life and you want to run and enlighten all of your people on it. Trust me we all do this in one facet or the other, but religion and the aspect of “join or burn in hell” comes off a bit more harsh than someone who tries to sell you on their Acai berry drink.
When you go from being a somewhat open-minded person to a judgmental ass your significant other will try to be patient and hope that it’s only a phase. After some time when it becomes evident that it may be long term they will mentally guage your worth to keep around.
For men, as shallow as we can be, it would be hard enough dealing with a bible beating hawte likeKaty Perry much less an average girl next door who has allowed her looks to decline while picking up the sword of righteousness to attack people with. It’s not going to pan out well unless the man is madly in love and unwilling to give up.
Have you had to dump or divorce someone in the past over too many drastic changes? Was weight or religion a factor in the dumping? We would love to hear about them in the commentary.

My husband is not good enough in bed.....???

My dear women (and men) of the world, if you are silently complaining about the 3-minute man in your life, you do us all a disservice by keeping it to yourself.
If you think that a man automatically knows that he sucks at sex then you are wrong. If you think that a man knows the importance of satisfying your urges as much as his own then you are wrong. Finally, if you think that a man will not try to “fix” his sexual issue after he learns it then you are wrong. Machismo decrees that a man be a sexual dynamo for his woman but when you keep it a dirty little secret you both will lose.
Suck at Sex? Then She Will Cheat!
I don’t care if you’re the most humble woman in the world, if your guy hasn’t gotten you off in years and I come along and accomplish it in 30 minutes of torrid bathroom sex, you will be at my house every week. Some men lose their women with no knowledge that it was due to them being tender under the zipper or selfish in refusing to  have their tongue scout the necessary terrain.
This is fact, but oft times we aren’t told that we suck. No, we are pitied, left to “assume” or learn from articles such as this one. This is why I lay the blame on the women in our lives that spare us from this lesson.
You Hurt Us Verbally All The Time – So Why Stop Now?
Women act like this information will crush a guy’s ego into nothing. If it’s something that cannot be fixed (like your man having a small penis) then I get it, but I have to argue the same to this. Women spare our feelings if we have a little penis, can only last 3 minutes or lack any rhythm whatsoever sexually YET have no qualms with ripping a guy for:
  • Being shorter than 6′ (this hurts many men)
  • Being overweight
  • Being older
  • Being an overly nice guy
These critiques all affect a man’s ego and when a man is criticized on something that he can fix (ie: being broke), you better believe he busts his ass to fix it.
So if you have a man that you love, who is perfect but can’t last longer than a few minutes inside of you… Why play nice all of a sudden and refuse to tell him? Let the man know so that he can work on his stroke count.
Most Men Want The Power To Rock Your World!
Women have this knowledge, especially you freaky sex kittens out there. So why not teach him how to pleasure you? If your guy’s a selfish 3 minute lover then make him earn those 3 minutes by facilitating you with a lengthy tongue lashing. Chances are the dude is clueless and ignorant. So get your tutor’s cap on and force him to get you where you need to be before he gets his 3 minutes of Jack rabbit bliss. You never know, he may become a fan!
So if you’re reading this and you are guilty of sparing a terrible sexual partner this charge out of sparing his feelings – please stop. Tell him and rage be damned, force him to do better. At the end of the day, unless you’re with a trademark douchebag, he will get in the lab, work some angles and figure out a way to earn your respect in the bedroom.....

Do something or shut the hell up...

Frustrated woman
I have always held the opinion that if you had a choice in your employment ( as in anything above slavery) then you have no place to complain to people about it. To be honest about it, I think this of anything in life; if there is a choice to opt out, then stop whining and opt out! Let me explain further for people sitting in the nose-bleeds; if I work at a bank and hate my boss, during a time where many of the people I know are out of work and unable to get a job much less benefits… the moment I open my mouth to complain about how I hate my job and boss, then I am seen as a whiner.
There is a thin line between complaining and whining which is separated by the way it comes off to others. If you use the bathroom in my house and piss on the lid then when I bark at you – that is a complaint through strong language because I expect it to never happen again due to my angry response.
Editor’s Note: Seriously guys… don’t piss on my toilet seat.
If when you piss on the seat I instead choose to beat you over the head with it over and over in complaints, then my response has turned into a whine – because in your opinion I just want to complain without care of a solution being offered.
Whining – Is it America’s Favorite Pastime?
Many people like to whine, it is amusing to me because it seems to be a form of attention-seeking that people desperately seek without premeditation. Most whiners don’t realize that they whine; see a typical conversation with a whiner goes something like this:
Whiner: Man I hate my job, it sucks so much I just want to quit!
Friend: So why don’t you quit then?
Whiner: I should you know, I’m sure I can get paid double elsewhere, this place would die without me!
Friend: So get your resume and book together and job hunt on your off hours man. You can even take some vacation and handle that.
Whiner: No I’m just too tired you know, after work it’s just too much to do right now. Plus I hear no-one’s hiring in my field.
Friend (getting annoyed): What about weekends, I’m sure you can tighten up your resume by then? Plus you have an MBA; you can teach or look at other job positions.
Whiner: I have kids man, you know we do stuff on the weekend; I just don’t have the time.
Friend: Then what the hell man, suck it up and find a way to like your job then because apparently you aren’t doing jack to fix your situation!
Of course the last line is never said but if any of us were the friend we normally get to the point where we want to say it, right?
It’s about the issue, your intent in your complaint, and whether or not you have the capacity to fix the situation. A man locked away in a foreign prison for a crime he did not commit will gain a lot more sympathy than a man whose wife will not sign the divorce papers after he found her screwing the AC guy. So remember this the next time you find yourself rushing home to whine to your significant other about how much your job sucks.
We do not respect people who bitch about things that can be changed, but we do admire those who silently get out of their situation to find green pastures elsewhere. When you’re able to complain about how a job did you wrong but then you left them during the busy season and managed not to burn the bridge – you are seen as a champion. But when you whine about a job that you work at, while receiving the benefits, the paychecks and the flexibility of their employ, then you’re seen as just  a malcontent who people wish would do something or shut the hell up about it

date with best friend widow

Gemma and Clay - Sons of Anarchy
The act of dating your friend’s wife or girlfriend after he dies or leaves is always viewed as suspect from other males.
So men, answer me this: What goes through your head as a man when your newly dead friend’s ex-wife sends you an invitation to her wedding and the husband is his brother? Is it the same thing that goes through your head when a man gets a lengthy sentence in prison and you find out that she’s now sleeping with his best friend? What about the “best friend” who finds himself over at the military wife’s house weekly, then a few months later he’s spending nights? All very different situations, different people and different levels of loss and need from the woman’s standpoint but one thing remains constant with these: To the outsider’s eye it looks as if the man took advantage of her.
On the surface the sight of a woman being in love with a guy that was close to the family leads to many questions. Was he always eying her that way even when her husband was still around? Had he already been sleeping with her and moved in full-time once hubby was out of the way? Yet with this knowledge of how bad it looks to outsiders it remains a standard pattern, almost automatic that the man who the woman grieves with will end up crossing the lines eventually.
Why men blame other men in these situations
When someone has suffered a great loss (death, divorce, abandonment), it is very hard for them to think clearly due to the emotional trauma. In this state of vulnerability a knowledgeable player can slip into a woman really easily just by offering a shoulder to cry on. It happens all the time and the most frequent offenders are the “guy friends” that women tend to keep around.
Men don’t see it as an even situation for the woman who is the one going through the loss. We see her as emotional, wanting someone to take the pain away, and dependent on that person to help her move past the pain. When the guy who offers her his shoulder manages to sleep with her too (we all know sex is often used to bypass heartache temporarily) then he is seen as getting some easy ass at the expense of the woman’s lowered defenses.
The only people who know the truth are the ones together
Of course our scrutiny of the coupling of uncle and ex-wife is unfair and harshly judgmental, but where there’s smoke there’s fire. Here’s my view on it – As a man you know what can lead to lines being crossed and it is up to us (in these situations) to navigate carefully. Now if both parties are suffering the loss then the situation is extremely different and the chances of the scandalous hook-up is inevitable.
The guy whose brother dies leaving behind a loving wife that has no friends and family will find himself in her house bringing in groceries, fixing her appliances, or sipping wine as the hours tick by, reminiscing on how great he was. This inevitably leads to a kiss, which becomes sex, which becomes a vice for getting over the loss which in turn becomes a relationship. Different situation, but men on the outside still see it as a violation on the man’s part.
This all stems from our belief that a strong man can overcome these situations and stick to the code of “off-limits”. In our minds we see it as weak men with no game finding a vulnerability in a woman who he already knows. It’s like the nerd who asks his crush out only after she has been in his office for 2 years, assumes him friend, and shares with him that her boyfriend just dumped her. See there is no ice to break, no questioning her situation (he knows she has no man), and little risk. Basically it’s cowardly, and irregardless of the situation it will always look bad to the outside viewer.
Have you ever been in this situation as a man consoling a woman or a woman being consoled? Did it lead to sex and do you feel bad for it having went there? Did the relationship last? Let me know what you think, and most importantly the main question is – did you catch hell from family members for crossing the line.

living alone...!!

1. The Sound of Silence
Call me scarred from living in the dorms of a college, or maybe it’s my nature but I love the hell out of silence. When you live with others you are always arguing, talking or overhearing phone conversation. Being able to stop, listen and hear nothing is a rare privilege that only comes from living by yourself.
2. Cleanliness **
If you are a neat freak or a slob, your lifestyle can become seriously cramped and suffer from the judgment of a roommate. Living alone means that when you eat food and finish with the dishes you can leave them in the sink for as long as you want or clean up and keep the place pristine without worrying about someone disrupting the energy by adding dirty dishes all over the place.
3. Peeing or Pooing With The Doors Open
I absolutely love the hell out of this. When you live by yourself and you need to drain the main vein, you can just run to the bathroom, kick up the secondary lid (if it’s down) and let the stream flow without the need of “hiding” yourself from the person you live with.
4. Nudist Colony for One?
This is one you hear often but for the people who actually exercise their right to be void of clothing it is a thing of peaceful beauty. When you take a shower you can dry off, stroll into the kitchen, make a snack and throw on some easy boxers before plopping down on the couch for some television. I can imagine that having a roommate would bring about incidents like this

tips for dating with girl....!!

  1. 1
    Be very straightforward and positive, plus be fearless of stepping into, and through, your fears. Girls like this will not tolerate insecurity which prevents personal growth..
  2. 2
    Introduce yourself. It's okay if it's completely random, but just be prepared to tell the truth about why you approached her (you think she's beautiful, smart etc.).
  3. 3
    Make sure you are strong-willed. Secure, self-reliant, and quick-witted girls like a challenge, not a sycophant.
  4. 4
    Ask her on a date. Don't make it too formal and romantic. Confident girls appreciate the ability to dream, just as long as you know the difference between 'dream' and 'reality'. Make sure, especially if you asked first, which may not be the case, that it is off-beat, casual, and unique.
  5. 5
    Be prepared to surprise the girl once in a while. Confident girls like good ideas with clever execution.
  6. 6
    Ask for a permanent relationship. Eventually, if she likes you and hasn't asked you already, ask her to be your girlfriend.
    • If she says no, cut your losses and move on. Never ever stalk her. If she just wants to be friends, ask yourself if you can do that.
    • If she says yes, just keep treating her right, don't go too fast (she will set the pace, otherwise she will feel like a sex object), and you will have a great relationship. Keep it in mind to respect your own boundaries as well and tell her if she is going too fast. Go as slow as the person who wants it slower wants.

connection of robot with people......

The flexible Fanuc ArcMate 120i is a six-axis, electric servo-driven robot capable of precise high-speed welding and cutting. Accuracy and performance are designed into the ArcMate 120i for all your welding and cutting requirements.
Designed with integral utilities including gas/air lines and a wire feed motor cable routed inside the robot arm, the ArcMate 120i offers improved reliability, reduces setup time and eliminates external cabling requirements.
  • Compatible with all major brands of welding equipment
  • Interfaces with most types of servo driven or indexing positioners
  • Sealed bearings and drives provide protection and improve reliability
  • Integrated controller reduces footprint and eliminates exposed connection cables
  • Cable routing through center of axis rotation improves reliability

how to save fuel for future......??

very nies

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dogs is sweet

Thursday 12 April 2012

why u left me.....!!

where did you go leaving me alone,
giving me the pains which i do not own,

why did you broke my heart into two,
without caring about me and listening me too,

why did not you try to understand my feelings, my love,
just left me dumb with thousands of unsaid words.

why girls shows attitude to boys......?????

                                                     why girls shows attitude to boys

Wednesday 11 April 2012

girls need 45 things.........!!


1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.

Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.

11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say “I love her more than you”, deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her feel loved.

Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she’s beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.

One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car - it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she’s your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her - if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so just hug her.

24. Make her feel loved.
25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!

26. Don’t lie to her.
27. DON’T cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
29. Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her.
30. Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn’t need you, just be there so she’ll know that she can always count on you.

31. Hold her close when she’s cold so she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.

35. Don’t ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you’re mad. If she’s upset, comfort her.

36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.

41. Call or text her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much you love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while you’re sitting on her.

You’ll never know when she needs just a little more love

What is business .......!!!

From Mr. Vmobile 19th millionaire member. Jon Ray Esquejo .... I joined NUNG Vmobile Nun 5000 MEMBERS DONE NOW SO I AMthe 19th millionaire I do not know my SAN NYO OBTAINED ONLYLINE primitive profit Vmobile .. IF ANY OF YAN Inasal thought much of before him would NOT NOW AND IF ANY Inasal thought of Misterdonut primitive SI NO Dunkin Donut Mister Donut hopefully NOW ..NOTE NYO I met TIME WE Vmobile consistent PREHAS LNG YunOF CIRCUMSTANCES, THE ONLY OTHER OTHER DECISIONSMADE SO WE DO HAVE OUR OTHER OTHER RESULTS Jon RayEsqu

I dont need air-conditions Because.....!!!!

how to perform NAMAZ ( SALAH ) for women in ISLAM.

beautyfull or precious.....???

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Still thinking........ is it fashion??????

 picture needs your comment......!!

really big screen

Lately, I have been pondering about the advancements of technology, specifically, where the future of television is headed. Recently, at this years Consumer Electronic Show (CES), a plethora of new types of televisions were unveiled by companies such as Samsung and LG. Both of these Korean giants showcased their new line of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) TV’s that featured an ultra-slim design with stunning picture quality. But what really caught my attention, was LG’s 84 inch, 4K quality, 3D Television. I distinctly remember telling myself a couple months ago, that the first 4K TV will be unveiled in two years, but to my surprise it was featured in the next couple of months. This TV integrates many of the internet features we love such as Netflix and Hulu and allows you to directly stream content to your TV, as well as provide ultra-definition quality in your living room. This made think about where the future of television lies…
I’ll start with the HD revolution (as I like to call it); this revolution is when we started seeing the widespread emergence of 1080p televisions available to consumers and in the household. Around 2008, we witnessed most television channels completely converting to full high definition broadcasting; during this time many films were taken in 2k quality (currently taken in 4k). As of right now, we are in the midst of a transition phase; 3D televisions are on rise as most new models of televisions by companies like Samsung, LG, and Sony are incorporating 3D technology into their hardware. Due to the global recession and lack of many 3D channels, the 3D television industry has not dominated the market, but soon will.
In the next 5 – 7 years (if not less) we will likely see a progression into a new revolution in which 4k-3D TV’s will have taken over the market; the key component that makes this revolution unique, is its combination with the internet. Currently there are external devices such as the Google TV, Apple TV, and the Roku that allow users to stream content from the internet to their television. While this is great, they don’t have an abundance of streaming providers. It is likely that we will see the complete disappearance of set-top boxes and external DVR’s with further, more advance internet integration with TV in the future. Sony has already started this process by creating a way to allow users to stream television channels to one’s TV. This integration can give rise to many other unexpected outcomes that can positively influence our television experience. Who knows where the next revolution will take us?

U dont need to Drive Car now....!!

Okay, you probably won’t see autonomous vehicles driving near you anytime soon, unless you live in Silicon Valley, where Google has been extensively testing its famous self-driving Toyota Prius (shown below during at demo at TED) and now also a fleet of autonomous golf carts. But one thing’s for sure: Autonomous vehicles have proliferated in the past few years, with projects in the United StatesGermany,FranceItalythe U.K., and China. Last year, Nevada became the first U.S. state to permit autonomous cars to be legally be driven on public roads (though some speculate that Europe might prove more friendly to this type of vehicle than the United States.) Either way, autonomous driving features are already showing up on regular mass-produced cars. Some models of the Prius now have a driving assist function that keeps the car centered on its lane, and another function can park the car all by itself. Though carmakers will insist these are not autonomous driving features, it’s clear that cars are becoming more robotic. Furthermore, it’s likely that autonomous vehicles will drive another trend as well: As one panelist explains, we should start to “map, and perhaps even instrument, our environment” to help autonomous cars and robots navigate. “This is a shift,” he says. “The emphasis used to be solely on local algorithms and computation. Folks are starting to realize that this is not the low-hanging fruit.” Driving, we’ll soon be able to say, is so 20th century.

Google demonstrates its self-driving car at the TED 2011 conference. Photo: Steve Jurvetson/Flickr